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Acots, transactions, and workflows are defined using the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) definitions.


Actors produce, manage, or act on health information. Actors relevant to a Federated Trust Network include:

  • Credential Issuers: Credential Issuers generate digital vaccine certificates which may be issued to individuals. Issuers may generate vaccine certificates using one or more representations including DCC, VDS-NC, DIVOC, SHC, or other formats.
  • Credential Holders: Credential Holders are individuals or applications which possess a vaccine certificate.
  • Local Public Key Directory (PKD): Local PKDs provides access to public keys used to validate vaccine certificates. Many Local PKDs may exist and be associated with one or more jurisdictions or specifications. Format and access mechanisms may vary across Local PKDs.
  • Federated PKD: The Federated PKD provides a signed master list of keys aggregated across one or more Local PKDs.
  • Verification Application: Verification Applications are capable of verifying cryptographic signatures of vaccine credentials by using public keys. Public keys may be retrieved from either a Local or Federated PKD.
  • Business Rules Library: trusted service, provided by a node within a trust network, to share business rules using Clinical Quality Language (CQL) specification


Transactions define how actors exchange information between one another. Transactions relevant to a Federated Trust Network include:

  • Credential Issuance: Credential Issuers may provide a vaccine certificate to a Credential Holder.
  • PKD Mirroring: A Federated PKD may mirror, or copy, public keys contained in another PKD.
  • Public Key Retrieval: An actor, including PKDs or Verification Applications, may retrieve a key from a PKD.


A workflow is a set of interactions among multiple actors.

Credential Issuance

Credential Issuers provide vaccine certificates to individuals normally using their local format. They are responsible for verifying the identity of the individual against an ID document and the eligibility of the individual for the service.


  • Credential Issuers
  • Credential Holders

TRANSACTION: Issue health document

Issuance Workflow Diagram

Federated PKD Aggregation

Keys from Local PKDs are aggregated in a federated PKD for use by verification applications.


  • Local PKD – acts as a node within a trust network​
  • Aggregating/Federated PKD – trusted aggregation of public keys and trusted services from nodes


Steps include:

  • Local PKD onboarding (one-time). Onboarding may include evaluating Local PKD format, providing the Federated PKD access, and signing of business agreements.
  • Local PKD public keys are mirrored (periodic)
  • Mirrored public keys are merged into a master list (periodic)
  • Master list is digitally signed for distribution

Local PKDs participating in the Federated PKD are expected to:

  • Have an existing public key infrastructure used for issuing trusted health documents (e.g. COVID credentials)
  • Have permissions/policies in place that allow sharing the public keys
  • Can share public keys in one of the following formats:
    • X.509
    • JSON Web Keys (JWK)
    • Decentralized Identifiers (DID)

Federated PKDs are expected to:

  • Have a means for retrieving local public key directories / nodes members represented in the aggregation services
  • Have permissions/policies in place that allow sharing the public keys from trust node members
  • Have an existing public key infrastructure used for signing list of keys my node members
  • Can share list of public keys in the following format:
    • Decentralized Identifiers (DID)

Aggregation Workflow Diagram

Federated Verification

Verifications can cryptographically verify health credentials using keys retrieved from the Federated PKD.


  • Universal Verification Application – verifies health documents using Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)​
  • Local PKD – acts as a node within a trust network​
  • Aggregating/Federated PKD – trusted aggregation of public keys and trusted services from nodes


Universal Verification Application steps:

  • Onboarding a Federated PKD by retrieving the signing key used to sign the master list (one-time).
  • Retrieving the master list from the Federated PKD and verifying the signature (periodic).
  • Deserializing the vaccine credential 2D bar-code to determine the key id.
  • Retrieving the public key associated with the key id from the master list, or using a cached key.
  • Verifying
    • the cryptographic signature within the 2D barcode.
    • the authority of the issuer to issue this type of certificate with this key.
    • the expiration date of the keys.
    • the expiration date from the certificate.
    • the certificate is not part of revocation lists available.
    • the issuing key is still present on a trust list by the issuing authority (not revoked).
    • the issuing key is still present on the trust list of the verification authority.
    • the name/identity on the certificate matches an ID document.
    • the business rules of the verification jurisdiction pass for the certificate.

Verification Workflow Diagram

Dynamic Business Rule Validation​

Validate one or more verified COVID credential against a dynamic business rule.​


  • Universal Verification Application – executes business rules against verified health documents​
  • Business Rules Library – trusted service, provided by a node within a trust network, to share business rules using Clinical Quality Language (CQL) specification​

PRE-CONDITION: Verification Application has passed Verification Workflow​

TRANSACTION: Request Business Rule Updates

Business Rules Library:​

  • Expresses health policies (e.g. “Needs full course of vaccine”) as executable business​ rule using the Clinical Quality Language (CQL)​
  • Publishes business rules as FHIR Library resources with a trust health service​ Optionally:​
    • Provide digital signagure of business rule as FHIR Provenance resource​
    • Provides public key to PKD​

TRANSACTION: Execute Business Rule​

Universal Verification App:​

  • Pre-Condition: Perform Federated Verification workflow on one ore more QR-code​
  • Identify one (or more) business rule(s) to be exectued according to use case​
  • Optionally:​
    • Retrieves business rule signing public key from PKD (either Local PKD or via Aggregating/ Federated PKD)​
    • Verifies authenticity of business rule​
  • Map QR-code content into requiste FHIR resources using FHIR Structure Maps​
  • Execute CQL businns rule on FHIR resource content

OUT OF SCOPE: consolidating business rules across trust network members​